Our Story

Hanna & Holden both grew up the beautiful town of Carmel, CA

Despite going to school and starting careers hundreds of miles apart, Hanna and Holden were always drawn back to their hometown of Carmel and to each other. They started their relationship near the end of college and, years later, both moved home to continue their careers and lives together.

The couple is so excited to get married and celebrate this special union with their closest friends and family.

The Proposal

On a Summer trip around Europe in 2023, the couple spent a day exploring the Gulf of Poets off the coast of Italy via boat.

They parked the boat in a little town called Lerici and shared a delicious lunch of fresh seafood and pasta.

After, they walked up to the town’s ancient castle ruins, where there were panoramic views of the italian coastline.

Here, Holden popped the question and, of course, Hanna said yes. What more could a girl ask for?